What is the GBA (Game Based Approach)?

Tired of taking the same old tennis lessons and hearing the same old tips with same the old frustrating results?

THE GBA IS A MORE INTUITIVE WAY TO LEARN TENNIS. Think of The Game Based Approach more like The Performance Based Approach. Instead of focusing on technique or "the strokes" first and hope you figure out how to use them in a game later, the GBA is the complete opposite. It focuses on getting you to understand how to play the game first and then uses technique as a tool to get you to perform better.

The GBA does not just get people to play "games" and ignore technique. It uses a systematic way of integrating the tactical, physical, mental & technical together. The way tennis is being taught is shifting away from traditional "model" based coaching.

If you're only hearing your coach tell you you're getting better but you're not really sure, get measurable results...find out what the ITF and players around the world already know.. The GBA is the best way to learn tennis.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Game Based?

The GBA contains four components :

1. Tennis is Game Based

2. GBA uses a learner centered or learner "first" philosophy

3. There are four elements that players need to train - Tactics, Technique, Physical & Mental. This is sometimes referred to as a Global or Holistic/Performance Approach

4. Tennis is a open skill

Let's start with #1 - Tennis is Game Based.

Tennis is a game, therefore it has strategies and tactics. For a beginner a tactic could be to get the ball higher over the net to keep it deep and to make less errors. For a pro it could be mixing up speed, spin, height to compete against a player with a higher tempo and better groundstrokes.
Think of tennis as a cross between olympic diving and chess. Tennis involves a great deal of thinking and players have to perform complex physical tasks. With the GBA, players learn how to solve tactical problems using their technique. Rather than learning a series of "strokes" and having no clue how, when & where to use them. Teaching strokes only, is like teaching your students to be divers. They will be able to perform one specific task in one specific situation but won't know it's relationship to the entire game of tennis.
The GBA modifies the court, balls and equipment using progressions rather than basket feeding real balls to beginners at the baseline.

In my next post I'll describe #2 - A learner centered philosophy.

Look for more videos soon!


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